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Report from Down Under

by Carolyn Nicholson and Cherry Perlson

After several weeks of hard work, we are happy to report the kitchen has been terminally cleaned! The stove has been taken apart and thoroughly cleaned from top to bottom, floors scrubbed and polished, and all dishes, cookware, and utensils washed and sanitized. This project required the help of many hands over several days. Thanks to David Browe, Donna Browe, Bob Gustafson, Clark Crabil, and Dave Seagram for all their effort.

To keep the kitchen clean, we are requesting and reminding all who use the kitchen to clean up after use. Guidelines for cleaning the stove and kitchen are on window ledge near the stove. To prevent insects and rodents, please make sure no open containers of food are left in kitchen or pantry.

We also used this opportunity to organize, de-clutter, and inventory our kitchen supplies and cookware. The majority of our pots and pans are outdated and made of aluminum, which may be considered unsafe, particularly when cooking acidic foods such as chili and tomato-based sauces. We are requesting and seeking to replace our cookware with safer and more substantial pots and pans. Please consider a donation of any All-Clad, enamel-clad cast iron, or non-stick cookware to our kitchen if you are down-sizing or no longer in need of cookware.

Other “wish list” items include:

All-Clad or quality stainless steel stock pot and variety of pots and pans

Food processor

Hand mixer

Cookie sheets and baking pans

Good quality dishtowels

Oven mitts

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