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What's New with InReach?


Prayer line continues to be a vital weekly ministry at St. Barnabas. Online Praise and Prayer Request is updated every Sunday and is available to everyone in the parish. There is always room for more people to pray for and assist with the needs of others.

Meal Ministry is an easy way to assist and help others as your schedule permits. Meal Ministry provides weekly, bi-monthly and monthly meals to our homebound and those with short-term needs due to surgery or temporary illness. Please reach out to Kara Shay Thomson if you would like to help with this wonderful ministry.

Pastoral Care is continuously extended through phone calls and socially distanced visits. In-Home Eucharistic Visits will resume once all of our Lay Ministers are vaccinated and willing to go into members’ homes. We are looking for people who feel called to be part of our In-Home Eucharistic Visits program. Please contact Kara Shay Thomson or Pastor Joanna to learn more.

InReach continues to celebrate the lives of our St. Barnabas community. Birthday cards are sent each month to those members celebrating a birthday. Recently, we have added Anniversaries to our monthly Ministry Matters email to celebrate these unions.

Another reason to celebrate -- One of our Pews in Pew Pals has just marked their 55th weekly meetup! Another pew continues to meet once a month for "Pew Pours"! The Pew Pal program was started as an online way to connect members during distanced worship.

Currently, we are offering lamination of a copy of vaccination cards. Our next scheduled lamination sessions will take place on Sunday May 16th and Wednesday May 19th. We will be offering this service once a month thru August.

A very big Thank You to Kara Shay Thomson who generously shares her time and creative talent to help make InReach the wonderful ministry that it is.

Please contact InReach at if you need help of any kind or are requesting help for someone else!

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