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A Potpourri of Moments

by Barbara Burke

Life has changed in ways we never thought possible. Today I suddenly realized there are several positive and pleasurable things that have happened. I thought I’d share a potpourri of moments that have enriched my life.

This has been one of the most beautiful springs with a preponderance of flowering trees and daffodils. It reminds me of the promise of renewal and the never-ending cycle of rebirth.

I had the time to visit with my cousin for over an hour via phone. We’re the last two in my father’s family yet in recent years we’ve only had time for Christmas cards and birthday notes. Slow me down, Lord.

The sense of community through 9:30 morning prayer has been very meaningful. Thank you, Jason.

A new challenge is always energizing. I placed my first pick up order with Kroger. Never mind I can’t pick it up until Wednesday. I DID IT!

I spent an hour sharing a glass of wine with my adult granddaughter via FaceTime. She took me on tour of her new apartment.

Wonderful news from my Seattle grandson via WhatsApp. I’m going to be a great grandmother again, the first for he and his wife.

A morning surprise, finding daffodils on my front porch, Kara Shay of course.

I spent an evening looking back on my favorite books from a lifetime of reading. Thank you, Erica McCoy.

I love talking with the people on my St. Barnabas care list, some I know well and others I’ve grown to care about.

A lovely spring evening on the deck sharing a glass of wine and good conversation with Nancy Lewis, she on her deck and I on mine.

So thankful for modern technology and social media that keeps us all in touch and combats our isolation.

I’ve learned to be good to myself. When my hands were cut and bleeding from so much hand washing with harsh soap, I wondered what I was saving all those pretty soaps in the guest bathroom for. You know the ones with all the oils and wonderful ingredients that not even your guests are comfortable using? Well, I’m using them, my hands are healed, and I feel very special!

My hope is we’ll come out of this stronger, kinder, and more forgiving of each other’s foibles. Blessings.

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